November Retreat Launched! Winter Escape to Dorset, 8 - 10 November 2024

The long awaited retreat weekend has now been lovingly planned and arranged, and I can’t wait to host everyone at this cosy, beautiful retreat centre in Dorset.

A chance to turn inward and relax before the hecticness of the Xmas period begins, there will be yoga sessions, delicious and plentiful vegetarian food, a gong session, cacao ceremony and plenty of chill time to enjoy the indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, or autumnal walks in the woods near to this recently renovated farmhouse.

There has been great uptake from my existing yoga students but there are still 2 or 3 room categories left at the time of writing so contact me for details to snap up a place.

£600 raised for Ourmala!

Thank you to all who supported my recent Charity Yoga session, kindly hosted by The Laboratory, Mill Hill. It was so well attended, by many lovely people, and such fun to teach! (My first time on a stage !!)

The best news is that we raised around £600 for Ourmala (, the charity that I volunteer for, teaching healing yoga to refugees and survivors of trafficking and slavery. These donations will go directly to paying the travel costs of clients travelling from far and wide to their yoga sessions, which they get so much from…these really are the folks who benefit the most from yoga.

Thanks again! Watch this space for the next one!

YOGA FOR ALEPPO Fundraising event


Throughout the week beginning 14 November, I will be holding special yoga sessions in support of Aleppo, and donating everything I earn and raise for the whole of that week to Hand in Hand For Syria’s Aleppo appeal:

If like me you have become utterly heartbroken by the images from Aleppo, torn between finding it too painful to watch and feeling utterly helpless but with an overwhelming urge to do something, anything, then please join me in taking action to support those groups on the ground who are still able to make a difference.